Babkin O.V., Varlamov A.А., Gorshunov R.А., Dos E.V., Kropachev A.V.,Zuev D.О.
Babkin Oleg Vyacheslavovich - Strategy Consultant,
Varlamov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich – Technical Director
Gorshunov Roman Aleksandrovich - Solution Architect,
Dos Evgenii Vladimirovich - Lead DevOps Architect,
Kropachev Artemii Vasilyevich - Principal Architect,
Zuev Denis Olegovich - Independent Consultant,
Abstract: network monitoring methodology development was considered as important stage of data center infrastructure organizing due to requirements of services efficiency and stability. It was mentioned that construction of adaptive and scaled algorithm of data processing in real time regime is a nontrivial task for developers. Process of hot‑spot evaluation of the network data indexes was shown as a part of monitoring technique includes obtaining of subjective weight and objective weight of each index which could be used to get the comprehensive evaluating index. It was demonstrated that optimal relative value represents degree of relativeness to optimal one up to the attributes of fixed type, range type, cost type and efficiency type. Triangular fuzzy numbers were used to form the fuzzy judgment matrix which includes uncertainty of subjective judgment experts. Comparative judgment matrix forming method which implies obtained of weighted values by using of the fuzzy number comparison size theory was analyzed. It was noticed that based on the hot-spot comprehensive evaluation value, hot-spot degrees of all monitoring point can be ordered and hierarchy will be obtained during the sorting process. First stage of this algorithm includes getting hot-spot degree evaluation index system’s original index grade by experts’ judgment method. Second stage refers to determination of value for each level as monitoring original data. At the next stage hot-spot degree should be evaluated as the same ordinary monitoring points. Final stage includes achieving corresponding comprehensive evaluation value based on every level value. Hot-spot degree range of each monitoring point was obtained as result of forming hot-spot comprehensive evaluation values’ uniformly ranking of all levels. Finally, hot‑spot level of each monitoring point was correspondingly obtained and hot judgment of the monitoring was received with the level of data center rules in advance.
Keywords: data center, virtual machine, hot-spot, fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. triangular fuzzy number, relative value, type attribute.
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Babkin O.V., Varlamov A.А., Gorshunov R.А., Dos E.V., Kropachev A.V.,Zuev D.О. APPLICATION OF THE HOT-SPOT EVALUATION METHOD FOR MONITORING OF DATA CENTER NETWORK // Научный журнал №9 (32), 2018. - С. {см. журнал}.